Organizers: Ron Chrisley (UOS) & Vincent C. Müller (Anatolia/ACT)
Local Organizer: Simon Bowes
Venue University of Sussex, Falmer/Brighton, UK
http://www.eucognition.orgCognitive systems research has a growing impact on society that will soon be very substantial in several areas: e.g., industry; the workplace environment; transport; the employment economy; entertainment; healthcare; the military; even our conception of ourselves and what it is to be human. However, there are different perceptions about what these effects might be, and whether they will be beneficial, or a menace. This members meeting will provide a forum for European cognitive systems researchers to discuss the potential social implications of their work. But more than that, it will engage the wider community in a dialogue about cognitive systems research. How do different sectors of society hope to benefit from cognitive systems? What are their concerns about cognitive system technology? How might those hopes and concerns be used to inform cognitive systems research and the way it presents itself to society at large?
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